Writers, subscribe and discover how the famous story structure can be applied to your quest for publication.

Discover the classic Hero’s Journey story structure and take the first steps in broad dreaming about the Hero you want to become.

Glimpse the potential journeys you may undertake along the path you've been called to follow.

Equip yourself to write better journeys with rich and complete characters, after gaining a deeper understanding of the Hero’s Journey by living it yourself!

Acquire a reframing toolkit that allows you to redeem your story's personal downturns and tragedies into moments that propel you forward on a quest to find purpose and meaning in every phase of your life.

Grow through guided personal examination of past passions, delayed desires, and current dreams.

Explore the seven aspects which comprise your personal hero’s journey.

Equip yourself with strong tools to track, measure, and achieve your writing goals.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

Image by Felipe Raro from Pixabay